Left view of ProStraps MK1 for Pico 4 with transparent controllers and cup mounts
Left view of ProStraps MK1 for Pico 4 without controller without mount
Right view of ProStraps MK1 for Pico 4 without controller without mount
Player view of ProStraps MK1 for Pico 4 with transparent controllers and cup mounts
Right view of ProStraps MK1 for Pico 4 with transparent controllers and cup mounts
Player view of ProStraps MK1 for Pico 4 with transparent controllers and red cup mounts

ProStraps pour Pico 4

Choose your brand :

Keep your VR controllers nestled comfortably in the palm of your hands.

  • Play longer.
  • No more flyng controllers.
  • Don't worry about your friends and family dropping them.
Modèle de ProStraps
  • Modèle MK1 utilisable avec et sans coupelle
30,00 €


Livraison en 3 à 5 jours
In stock

Icône délai de livraison Livraison estimée dès Lundi 17 mars avec DHL Express 5D

Livraison en 3 à 5 jours
  • Paiement en 3 ou 4 fois sans frais
  • Livraison gratuite à partir de 100€
  • Livraison express en 3 à 5 jours
  • Livraison internationale
  • Retour sous 30 jours
  • Support amical sur le site et notre Discord
  • Une grande communauté pour astuces et camarades de jeu
  • Garantie de 2 ans
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Quelle est la vitesse de livraison ?

Dans 90 % des cas, nous expédions ton colis le jour ouvrable suivant, une fois le paiement effectué.


Les transporteurs :

- DHL Express : 3-5 jours pour le monde entier.

- DHL Road Europe : 5-10 jours pour l'Europe.
(sauf la France ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

- ECO (Deutschpost) : 15-20 jours dans le monde entier + 10-12 jours potentiels en douane.


Regarde la page de livraison et douanes pour plus d'infos.

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Et la garantie dans tout ça ?

2 ans, partout dans le monde, pour tout le monde.

Pour plus de détails, regarde notre page Garantie et Remboursement.


No more controllers singing I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky.

Keep your controllers attached to your hands and play 'hand-free' with the ProStraps cushion pads.

Insert your hands between your controller and the cushion. Feel the soft fabric on the back of your hand. Tighten the velcro straps on the outside of the cushion so it wraps comfortably.

You are now ready for long hours of VR gameplay without the fear of a controller drop.

Your future achievements:

  • 🔋 Hours of gameplay without fingers fatigue.
  • 👋 A more immersive VR experience with natural interactions.
  • 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Easily share your controllers in security, even with people discovering VR.

What makes ProStraps so useful?

  • Relase the pressure on your fingers for a more comfortable session.
  • Experience a more natural way to interact with your VR environment (we don't always have our fists closed in real life, do we?).
  • Pass your controllers to VR newbies and don't be afraid of them dropping out.

The power ups your will get:

  • Knuckles-like hand straps, designed for security, similar to professional camera straps.
  • A comfortable sweat-resistant cushion for the most demanding games and workouts.
  • Adjustable to any hand size with its elestic velcro straps.
  • Usable with our controller mounts (depending on the model and brand).

Note: always pass your controllers lanyards around your wrists. It's a mandatory security and it costs nothing.

Use the ProStraps in a wide variety of games and applications:

  • 🎯VR FPS with or without gunstock: Breachers, Ghosts of Tabor, Onward, Pavlov.
  • ⚔️Sword fight: Beat Saber, Blade and Sorcery, Broken Edge, Everslaught, Until you fall.
  • 🥊Workout and hand-to-hand combat: Holofit, Les Mills Body Combat, OhShape, The Thrill of the Fight.
  • 🧩Adventure and puzzle: Awakening, Five Nights at Freddy's, I expect you to die (1, 2, 3), Moss (I & II), the 7th guest.
  • 🎲Table-top gaming: Demeo, Dungeon Full Dive (DFD), Tabletop Simulator.
  • 🌲Tourism: Alcove, Brink, Ocean Rift, Wander.
  • 🎨Art and Design: AnimVR, Brushwork, Cyber Paint VR, Gravity Sketch, SCulptVR, Shapes XR, Tilt Brush.
  • 🎫Entertainment: Bigscreen, CineVR, Pigasus VR Media Player.
  • 🤗Social activities: Horizon, Rec Room, VRChat.

What's in the box?

For cup compatible MK1 Prostraps comptible with and without controller mounts:

  • 1 x Pair of Prostraps cushion with left and right anotation on the velcro straps.
  • 1 x Pair of bottom attachement and top attachements.
  • 2 x L-nut to fasten the ProStraps to a controller mount.
  • Tool bag: 1 x 2,5mm Allen key, 1 x 4mm Allen key.

For Pico ProStraps:

  • 1 x Pair of Prostraps cushion with left and right anotation on the velcro straps.
  • 1 x Pair of top attachements.
  • 2 x L-nut to fasten the ProStraps to a controller mount.
  • Tool bag: 1 x 2,5mm Allen key, 1 x 4mm Allen key.

For cup-comptatible MK2 Quest 3 upgrade:

  • 1 x Pair of new controller mount inner layers with mountings for the ProStraps.
  • 1 x Pair of Prostraps cushion with left and right anotation on the velcro straps.
  • 2 x L-nut to fasten the ProStraps to a controller mount.
  • Tool bag: 1 x 2,5mm Allen key, 1 x 4mm Allen key.

Note: You will have to remove the original inner layers inside the mounts, and insert the new layers.

ProStraps MK2 for bare controllers:

  • 1 x Pair of flexible sleeves to slot your controllers in with moutings for the ProStraps.
  • 1 x Pair of Prostraps cushion with left and right anotation on the velcro straps.

What are you waiting for?

  • High quality standards with French design and manufacture.
  • A small team at your service.
  • Express delivery worldwide.
  • ProTubeVR's Discord community.
  • 30-day return policy.
  • 2-year worldwide warranty.
  • Friendly, human customer support.
Marque de manettes VR compatible
Pico 4
Produit principal
Édition limitée

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