In stock ForceTube Semelle du module haptique ForceTube Any HMD FTB_BUTT_PLATE_parent 18,00 € This is a replacement part for our ForceTube haptic module: the part pressing on your shoulder when aiming and guiding the hammer.If you are still under our 2 years warranty, contact our Customer Service and we will gladly replace it. Découvrir maintenant
In stock Pièces de rechange Tube Any HMD TUBE_parent 14,40 € Easily switch from chrome to carbon set, to reduce the weight and improve the look of your accessories.Carbon tubes are 60% lighter than chrome tubes. Découvrir maintenant
In stock Pièces de rechange Paire d'aimants Any HMD AIMANT_PAIR_ 10,00 € This is a spare part for our magnetic controller mounts: a pair of neodymium magnets. You shouldn't have to buy it. We put it there to show that our products are repairable. Contact our Customer Service and we will gladly replace it if you are under our 2 years warranty. Ajouter au panier
In stock Pistolet et arme à feu pour VR Kit de maintenance pour gunstock Any HMD MAINTENANCE_KIT_ 10,00 € Looks like it's time to oil up!After prolonged (months) or intensive use of your gunstock, you may need to replace some of the gaskets. Here's what you need. Ajouter au panier
In stock ProTas Boitier pour le cœur flexible du joystick ProTas Any HMD PTS_CASE_parent 10,00 € To change the color of your ProTas case or replace an old one. Découvrir maintenant
In stock ProTas Cœur flexible du joystick ProTas Any HMD PTS_FLEX_MAG_ 10,00 € A spare part for the ProTas joystick: the flexible core.If you are under our 2 years warranty, contact our Customer Service and we will gladly replace it. Ajouter au panier
In stock ProVolver Culasse du ProVolver Any HMD PVLR_SLIDE_parent 10,00 € Spare part for ProVolver haptic module slide.The slide mimics the actions of a real one on semi-automatic or automatic pistol to provide additional movement and amplitude to the haptic recoil.We will gladly help you if you contact our Customer Service. Découvrir maintenant
In stock ProVolver Support de poignée sans monture pour le ProVolver Any HMD PVLR_STAB_SPARE_CAR_ 10,00 € The ProVolver Wrist support is composed of a 'wrist handle' (this spare part) and a bracket.Easily replace the handle.For left and right hand. Ajouter au panier
In stock Pistolet et arme à feu pour VR Bandoulière pour confort et sécurité avec fusil VR Any HMD SLING_parent (2 avis) 10,00 € Add more stability when playing with a VR gunstock with additional contact points.Let it rest on your torso when you unclip the controller mounts for secondary actions.The 2 points sling can be placed on 2 sling rings or you can connect the two points to just one ring. Découvrir maintenant
In stock Pièces de rechange Rechange du patin ajustable pour crosse MK2 Any HMD STOCK_STATIC_MK2_SLIDER_CAR_ 10,00 € This is spare parts for the MK2 shoulder stock: the adjustable slider.To be honest, you shouldn't have to buy it. We put it there to show that our products are repairable. Contact our Customer Service and we will gladly replace it if you are under our 2 years warranty. Ajouter au panier
In stock Pièces de rechange Raccords pour les tubes Any HMD RACCORD_parent 8,00 € The joints of our accessories.Some players need it to create their specific configurations. Découvrir maintenant
In stock SWINGiT Golf Fixations du club de golf SWINGiT Any HMD SWING_GOLF_CLAMP_CAR_ 8,00 € These are spare parts for our products: security clamp for the SwingIt Golf club.To be honest, you shouldn't have to buy it. We put it there to show that our products are repairable. Contact our Customer Service and we will gladly replace it if you are under our 2 years warranty. Ajouter au panier
In stock Pièces de rechange Tenon pour support de manettes Any HMD TENON_parent 8,00 € The retainers are the components linking the controller mounts to the brackets.To be honest, you shouldn't have to buy it. We put it there to show that our products are repairable. Contact our Customer Service and we will see how to help you. Découvrir maintenant
In stock ProStraps ProStraps - attache du bas pour Quest 2 Meta Quest 2 PROSTRAPS_BOTTOM_ATTACHEMENT_Q2_parent 6,00 € The ProStraps bottom attachements are spare parts for our ProStraps cushion pad. If you are under our 2 years warranty, remember to contact our Customer Service. Découvrir maintenant
In stock ProStraps ProStraps - attache du haut pour Quest 2 Meta Quest 2 PROSTRAPS_TOP_ATTACHEMENT_Q2_parent 6,00 € The ProStraps top attachements are spare parts for our ProStraps cushion pad. If you are under our 2 years warranty, remember to contact our Customer Service. Découvrir maintenant
In stock ProStraps Écrou en L pour ProStraps Any HMD PS_Strap_Ecrou 6,00 € This L-shaped nut is for the ProStrap attachements. You shouldn't have to buy it. We put it there to show that our products are repairable. Contact our Customer Service and we will see how to help you. Ajouter au panier