In stock Pièces de rechange Tenon pour support de manettes Any HMD TENON_parent 6,72 £ The retainers are the components linking the controller mounts to the brackets.To be honest, you shouldn't have to buy it. We put it there to show that our products are repairable. Contact our Customer Service and we will see how to help you. Découvrir maintenant
In stock ProTas Pad adhérent du ProTas Any HMD PTS_PAD_ 5,04 £ This adhesive pad for the ProTas base is sticky enough for the ProTas joystick to act as a wall mount for your controllers on a smooth surface.Wash it under water to renew its stickiness like day one.It leaves no traces. Ajouter au panier
In stock ProTas Bandes velcro du ProTas Any HMD PTS_STRAP_ 5,04 £ A pair of velcro straps for the ProTas joystick.Some players need it to go around a huge arm chair or part of their desk. Ajouter au panier
Pièces de rechange Clés Allen Any HMD HEX_KEY_parent We use Allen keys to tighten tube connectors and mounting brackets. We supply them with all products that require them.You shouldn't have to buy it. We put it there to show that our products are repairable. You can check the dimensions and format to buy it at a tool shop. It will be less expensive, to be honest.If you still need it, contact our Customer... Découvrir maintenant
Pièces de rechange Joint Torique O'ring Any HMD ORING_ The toric joint (O'ring) are spare parts for our products.To be honest, you shouldn't have to buy it. We wanted to show our product are easily repairable. Contact our Customer Service and we will see how to help you. Découvrir maintenant