In stock Pièces de rechange Monture pour coupelle Any HMD BRACKET_parent 19,00 € The magnetic bracket that holds the controller and its bottom-mounted magnetic mount on our gun frames. Add a second smooth mount to the front part of your VR gun stock (MagTube, ForceTube) to give you two possible positions for your front hand. Generally, the furthest for rifles and the closest for machine pistols. This way, you can quickly switch from... Découvrir maintenant
In stock Pistolet et arme à feu pour VR Kit de maintenance pour gunstock Any HMD MAINTENANCE_KIT_ 10,00 € Looks like it's time to oil up!After prolonged (months) or intensive use of your gunstock, you may need to replace some of the gaskets. Here's what you need. Ajouter au panier