This is the Most Realistic Gun You Can Use in VR.
This is a review and tutorial for the ProTube ProVolver. I appreciated them sending me a unit for review, but as always these are my honest thoughts. Something I didn't mention: This device is available in both left and right hands, depending on what you need.

Feel the Recoil! Haptic VR Pistol Stock - ProTubeVR ProVolver
Unboxing and having a look at the ProVolver haptic feedback pistol stock (with support hand extension) from ProTubeVR. This VR pistol stock lets you feel realistc weight and recoil for each shot!

FINALLY an all in one pistol and two handed haptic feedback stock for VR in 2023!
The Protube ProVolver is finally in my hands and its even better than you think for one reason only, its not the haptic feedback or the realism, its what it can do for your gameplay when used as a two handed gunstock PLUS the little trick ill show you in this video to change it into something truly special!

Questa volta però siamo davanti probabilmente al prodotto più prepotente, facile da comunicare e immediato da usare. Diamo il benvenuto al protagonista di questa recensione: Il ProVolver

ProVolver Review: VR Haptic Feedback at its Finest
For those of us that are hardcore into VR things like VR gun stocks, haptic vests, and even VR treadmills can bring a stronger sense of immersion to the games we love. Just when I thought I'd seen it all, I got a message from ProTubeVR about an awesome new product they had in the works: the ProVolver.

This Turns the ProVolver into an Automatic Rifle!
Simon, Dave, and I revisit the ProVolver since receiving feedback from ProTube, suggesting we try the ProVolver extension grip to handle the overall weight. Joined later by Dominic, we take our shot with the ProVolver extender. Watch until the end to find whether or not it... hits the mark. I know, I know.

VR FPS Have Officially Peaked!
VR FPS don't get better than this!

The ProTube ProVolver Feels Like a Real Gun on the Quest!
I love VR accessories as much as the next guy, but this is the one I've wanted the most - a VR gun grip that provides a real kick with every shot. I invite friends Dave and Simon over for their first look and official review of the ProVolver from ProTube!

(ES) Provolver, probamos el último proyecto de ProtubeVR en Distrito XR.
El nuevo gadget de la empresa francesa aprovecha al máximo su tecnología háptica Force Tube.

(FR) TEST Provolver : un Gun VR aux superbes effets de recul sur Oculus Quest et PC
Aujourd'hui, on vous fait le test complet d'un accessoire VR pas tout à fait comme les autres. Le Provolver va tenter de vous faire vivre les retours haptiques d'un pistolet en réalité virtuelle. Pari réussi ?

ProVolver ProTubeVR - INSANE Handheld Haptic Gun for Quest 2 & PC VR

The ProVolver Adds RECOIL feedback To Virtual Reality FPS
I check out the ProVolver from ProTube! The ProVolver adds recoil haptic feedback to virtual reality games on Oculus Quest and PC VR headsets. In this video I test out the ProTube ProVolver in Gun Club, Pistol Whip and Half Life Alyx...

TEST GUNS VR ProVolver & ProTomy: compatibles avec tous les casques de réalité virtuelle
Salut les amis ! Pour ce nouveau test hardware VR, je prends entre mes mains les nouveaux produits de la société ProTube : le ProVolver (un pistolet VR) et le ProTomy (un Fusil d'assaut VR)